Ellis Meredith Chapter, NSDAR, has a strong historical presence in Denver, Colorado. Please enjoy exploring the following detailed information1-3 about the historical markers placed by the chapter throughout our history. Over the next few years, Ellis Meredith Chapter, NSDAR plans to add new photos to our media gallery and we plan to confirm details and refurbish all of the historical markers placed by the chapter.
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1. Auraria Marker
Description: A bronze plaque 17 3/4 x 23 1/2 inches mounted on the cast aggregate rim of a large masonry planter 20 feet in diameter located on the north side of the intersection of northwest-bound Speer Boulevard and Market Street in Denver. Dedicated in 1959. Faces southeast.
Inscription: (Colorado State seal) This tablet is the property of the state of Colorado Auraria
On November 1, 1858, the center of the stream was designated the east boundary of Auraria, first duly located and platted town at the mouth of Cherry Creek. This 1,200-acre settlement with Indian row and “Uncle Dick” Wootton’s Store,was the definite beginnings of Denver. The town was named for Aurari, GA, meaning “gold.” William Green Russell and his brothers discovered the first gold in paying quantity in Colorado, inciting the Gold Rush of 1859. Auraria was the cradle of Colorado’s pioneer business and political development. On April 5, 1860, a ratification meeting was held by moonlight on the Larimer Street Bridge one block south, at which Auraria and Denver consolidated under the name Denver. Erected by the State Historical of Colorado from the Mrs. J.N. Hall Foundation and by the Peace Pipe Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, 1959.
History: In February 1858, William Green Russell led a party of gold seekers from Georgia to the Rocky Mountain area, where they prospected with indifferent results up and down Cherry Creek and the South Platte, and even into Wyoming. In September, the party returned to the mouth of Cherry Creek where they built cabins on the east bank of the South Platte. The following month the area was organized as the Auraria Town Company. Across the creek was the undeveloped site of St. Charles, very soon to become Denver City. The following year the Auraria Town Company and the Denver City Town Company were consolidated as the city of Denver.
2. Baker’s Spring Marker
Description: A tablet measuring 62 x 39 inches was placed on the east end of West Colfax viaduct, marking Baker’s Spring. This steel tablet was unveiled October 29, 1921. The inscription was: “This tablet marks the camping place of the Fremont Expedition, and here also camped Kit Carson and other pioneer scouts.” Had it not been for this spring, Denver might not have existed, but the pioneers, pushing their way to the Rocky Mountains, camped at that site.
History: About 200 yards from the east end of the the West Colfax Avenue viaduct, a bronze plaque on the south railing of the viaduct memorializes Baker’s Spring. The marker was first put in place on October 29, 1921. Just 250 feet south of this marker is a site used as a camping ground by early scouts and pioneers. Many councils with Indians were held there. Nearby was a spring of pure, fresh water–Baker’s Spring, named for the first owner. Addison Baker settled the spot in 1858 and homesteaded 160 acres as a farm. His son, Nathan A. Baker, continued to farm the land and lived near the spring for many years. Their site was well known as a camp site. General John C. Fremont and his party camped there in 1843. Other travelers stopped to rest and occasionally it was covered with the white tents of adventurers who came west looking for gold. The spring and the gatherings of people who came there became the nucleus of the city we now know as Denver. The water from the spring was Denver’s first water supply. No one now seems to know what became of the spring. The marker was put in place by Peace Pipe Chapter, NSDAR. Within a year, the marker was stolen. The chapter replaced it and the second marker was stolen. In 1933, the third and present marker was put in place. The Denver Post February 3, 1974.
3. Denver Museum of Natural History Marker
in Ricketson Auditorium
with Colorado, Columbine, and Denver Chapters
Description: A bronze marker 10 x 3 1/2 inches located to the left of the stage on the front wall of Ricketson Auditorium at the Denver Museum of Natural History, 2001 Colorado Boulevard. The marker commemorates the presenting of flags by the chapters to the museum to honor the museum. The flags are at the museum, but are not normally on display. The dedication was held November 19, 1970.
Inscription: Flags presented by Denver, Colorado, Ellis Meredith Chapter, and Columbine Chapters, NSDAR, November 19, 1970
History: On December 6, 1900, articles of incorporation were filed with the Secretary of State to create the Colorado Museum of Natural History. In 1948, the name was changed to Denver Museum of Natural History. Before the turn of the century, pioneer naturalist Edwin Carter had offered for sale the mounted birds and mammals in his log cabin at Breckenridge with the idea of forming a natural history museum in Denver. A meeting was held on December 13, 1897, to consider his offer. On January 4, 1898, a meeting was called to discuss sites for the proposed museum, plans for the building, and means of raising funds. In 1899, John T. Mason promised a donation of his butterfly and moth collections, and John F. Campion offered his crystalline gold collection. On December 18, 1899, Carter’s collection was purchased for $10,000 and he was appointed curator for life. On December 5, 1900, a contract was drawn under the terms of which the city of Denver would donate $16,000 to provide a suitable site for the museum, and would recognize the corporation as its governing and managing body, provided the association raised $25,000 or more by personal subscription. The stated purposes of the museum were to erect and maintain in the city of Denver a museum of natural history, to encourage and aid the study of natural science, and to advance the general knowledge of kindred subjects. John F. Campion was elected the first president of the Board of Trustees. On October 28, 1901, the present site in Denver’s City Park was agreed upon. In July 1908, the museum was opened to the public.
4. Flagpole and Marker on Genesee Mountain
Description: A trapezoidal built-up stone base 55 inches wide at the bottom and 48 inches high on which is mounted a metal flagpole and on the southwest face of which is mounted a bronze plaque 14 1/2 x 8 inches, located at the top of Genesee Mountain in Genesee Park, a Denver mountain park. The United States Flag, and for the past several years the Colorado flag, have been presented to the city of Denver each year on Flag Day, June 14. In 1973, the chapter gave to the city a new flagpole with flags to replace the old flagpole given June 14, 1911. The continuing gift of flags commemorates both the bicentennial of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the granting of statehood to Colorado in 1876. Faces Southwest.
Inscription: On each Flag Day since June 14, 1911, Ellis Meredith Chapter, NSDAR, presents a new flag to the City and County of Denver for this standard.
History: Declaration of Independence: On June 7, 1776, Richard Henry Lee of Virginia put before the Second Continental Congress a resolution calling for a declaration of independence from England. A committee comprising Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Robert R. Livingston, and Roger Sherman was appointed to spell out the reasons for the anticipated declaration. Jefferson was designated to prepare a draft. On July 2, 1776, Congress voted unanimously, albeit through a series of political maneuvers, to adopt the resolution, and on July 4 the text proclaiming it. Colorado statehood: In 1706, what is now Colorado was claimed for Spain by Juan de Ulibarri. In 1803, eastern Colorado became part of the United States by way of the Louisiana Purchase; in 1846, a strip between a line north from the source of the Rio Grande east to the Continental Divide with the advent of Texas statehood; in 1848, the rest of the state as a result of the Mexican War and the resulting Treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo. The Territory of Colorado was created on February 28, 1861. In 1875, Congress voted for and President Grant approved a proposal for Colorado statehood. The issue was put before the voters on July 1, 1876, and on August 1 President Grant issued the proclamation and Colorado entered the Union as the 38th state.
5. Four-Mile House Marker
In 1941, the Ellis Meredith Chapter, NSDAR, sponsored the Four Mile House as a historical monument by the NSDAR. Four Mile Historic Park is a jewel of history, preservation, and education located between Glendale and Denver on the banks of Cherry Creek. One of the original “Mile” houses, and the last stop before making a grand entrance into Denver, it has served many purposes over the years from a stop on the Cherokee Trail, to farming, ranching, dairy production, and currently as home to the oldest standing residential structure in the metropolitan area (built in 1859). Four Mile has remained mostly intact while the rest of the world changed and evolved around it.
Four Mile is an incredible journey where everyone can witness the remaining 12 acres of a once 600+ acre farm that was saved and preserved from urban redevelopment in the late 1970s. People from all walks of life and interests are drawn to Four Mile Historic Park to support our mission through any one of our year-round programs and community events. Many come to enjoy the peacefulness and beauty, often forgetting they are in the heart of the city.
6. John Patrick House Plaque
Description: A bronze plaque 21 x 14 inches mounted just to the right of the front door of the John D. Patrick House in Genesee Mountain Park near Denver. The plaque was dedicated June 14, 1990. Faces East.
Inscription: The John D. Patrick House built C. 1860 in land granted by Presidents U.S. Grant and C.B. Arthur this oldest structure in the Denver Mountain Park system was used as a toll house Marker by the Peace Pipe Chapter, NSDAR, June 14, 1990.
History: The Patrick House was built about 1860 by John D. Patrick as a residence and toll house after he brought his wife Elizabeth and his family of five boys to the area from Missouri in 1859. The shutters, door frames, and windows of the house came with them. He immediately secured a charter from the Kansas Territorial Legislature for the Genesee Wagon Road Company and set up a toll road. Toll fees were: a four-horse wagon, $1.50; six horses and two wagons, $2.50. In 1866, the Patricks and John Evans were issued a certificate of incorporation for a road coming from Gilpin County along Clear Creek to join with the Genesee Road. In 1867, the Genesee Wagon Road Company was incorporated under the laws of the Territory of Colorado. By then, the Patricks controlled a main thoroughfare from east of Apex (just south of Golden) to the Gilpin County diggings by way of Mount Vernon Canyon and North Clear Creek. In 1878, Elizabeth Patrick, who had managed and controlled the entire property, died and was buried on the grounds, as was later her husband John. In 1881, the state filed an injunction to put the company out of business. While John Patrick was characterized as a “quiet, inoffensive man of more than average ability,” who must have earned the esteem of his neighbors, since he served in the Colorado Territorial Assembly, the sons would be better characterized as fractious. It was not unusual for one or another of them to appear as a defendant in court. Reuben was killed by his brother Baltimore in a quarrel over a dog; Chris was shot and wounded an employee over wood chopping and served a sentence for his crime. In time, the surviving brothers drifted away from the area and the Patrick family faded from history.
7. Mamie Doud Eisenhower Home Marker
Description: A bronze plaque 24 x 15 1/4 inches located on the right column of the front steps of the house at 750 Lafayette Street in Denver. After Mrs. Doud passed away and Mrs. Mae Tiley of Fort Collins purchased the home, Peace Pipe Chapter, NSDAR, with the cooperation of Mrs.Tiley, placed the marker. Mrs. Eisenhower was informed of all plans for this marker and was very happy that it was done.
Inscription: (DAR insignia) Girlhood home of Mamie Doud Eisenhower Here on July 1, 1916 Mamie Doud Married Dwight D Eisenhower and later became America’s first lady as 34th President of the United States, President Eisenhower used this home as the summer White House Marker by the Peace Pipe Chapter, NSDAR, July 1 1962.
History: Mamie Geneva Doud (1896-1979) was born in Boone, Iowa. She came to Denver at age nine with her sisters and her parents, John and Elevira. Some time later, John Doud purchased the home at 750 Lafayette Street. Mamie attended Jackson, Coronna (later Moore) and Mulholland elementary schools, East Denver High School, and then The Wolcott School for Girls for one year. In 1916, she married newly-promoted First Lieutenant Dwight David Eisenhower of the United States Army at her home on Lafayette Street. He was to rise to the rank of 5-star general and become the 34th President of the United States for two terms (1953-1961). The Eisenhowers had two children, Doud Dwight, who died at age three of scarlet fever, and John Sheldon Doud. The Doud home was deeded to Mamie in 1936, although her parents continued to live there until their deaths–John in 1951 and Elevira in 1960. During Eisenhower’s presidency, the house became the “summer White House” during their frequent visits. It was sold in 1961 after the Eisenhowers purchased a farm at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and built a house there. Mamie and Ike lived at their Gettysburg home after he left the Presidency. He died March 28, 1969. She died November 1, 1979.
Additional information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_and_Elivera_Doud_House
8. Washington Elm Scion Marker at Denver
with Colorado and Denver Chapters
Description: A bronze plaque 18 x 12 inches mounted on a concrete base 24 inches wide x 18 1/2 inches high inside an iron fence 68 inches high x 87 inches wide x 84 inches deep enclosing an oak tree. At the base of the plaque is a black metal strip 18 x 1 1/4 inches. Faces south.
Inscription: Plaque (insignia) Scion of the Washington Elm Cambridge, Massachusetts under which July 3, 1775 George Washington took command of the Continental Army presented by John L. Russell Dedicated May 3, 1917 by the Colorado and Ellis Meredith Chapter, NSDAR Daughters of the American Revolution Strip Oak Tree planted May 1983 – Ellis Meredith Chapter, NSDAR
History: On July 3, 1775, General George Washington took command of the Continental Army at a ceremonial review in Cambridge, Massachusetts, under an elm tree which was thereafter known as the Washington Elm. In 1916, John Russell, Denver’s city landscape gardener, obtained cuttings from the Washington Elm, one of which survived. Eventually it died, and on May 13, 1983, an oak tree was planted in its place and a metal strip added at the bottom of the plaque with an inscription explaining why a small oak tree, rather than a very large elm, is growing inside the fence. Early in this century it became apparent that the Washington Elm at Cambridge was doomed. In October 1922, what was left of the tree fell over as workmen were trying to bolster some seemingly live branches. A plaque now marks the site of the tree which was estimated to be over 300 years old at its death. At its prime it measured 18 feet in circumference, 100 feet in height, and 90 feet in the spread of its branches.
1. Stieghorst, Junann J. Colorado Historical Markers of the Colorado State Society, National Daughters of the American Revolution. Littleton, Colo: Littleton Independent, 1978. <https://archive.org/details/coloradohistoric00stie>.
2. McLaughlin, Hildegarde H., and F. B. McLaughlin. A Guidebook to DAR Historic Markers in Colorado: Where They Are, What They Look Like, How to Find Them. [Place of publication not identified]: [Colorado State Society of the NSDAR], 1991.
3. Ruth, Christine Etherton. Travelling Through the History of Colorado: Colorado State Society, NSDAR Historical Markers.